The one thing I think all Cosplayers worry about is if the costume is going to hold together throughout the day. The last Convention I went to everyone in our group had at least one malfunction while walking round. Some more disastrous then others. So this blog is going to be about preparation.
Depending on your cosplay essentials may vary so this is just an outline of what you will need with you. The last thing you want it to be taking a lot of stuff with you. You don't want things to be getting in the way or carrying round big heavy bags with you all day. Some cons do have cloakrooms but it is best not to assume these things. We were lucky at our last con that one of us was an Attack on Titan character and so bought a canvas rack sack to blend into her cosplay ( if you are able to do something like that then go for it you can be a lot more prepared for things). If you aren't fortunate to be in that situation then this should help.
You can buy small pouches at walking shops that will clip to a belt or pieces of clothing. These are perfect as you can either hide them under your clothes or modify them to blend into your costume. They will hold more than you think.
List of Essentials:
- Sewing thread
- Needle
- Safety Pins
- Super glue ( Just a small tube obviously)
- Clear Nail Vanish ( This sounds stupid but if your wearing tights and you get a ladder this will be your gods send. Just cover the ladder and a small surrounding area with the varnish and it will stop the ladder from getting longer throughout the day.)
- Spare buttons ( Always a useful thing to have if you have buttons on your cosplay you know how they like to pop off at the most inconvenient times.)
- Nail scissors ( they are small and perfect for cutting thread and loose strands on your cosplay.)
- Batteries
- Hair grips ( For your wigs they can tend to come loose and start been a hindrance)
- Small face paint or makeup stash
I know this blog will seem very obvious to most of you but it is amazing how many people you see pissed off because their costumes have broken or malfunctioned in some way. I for one will certainly make sure this essentials kit is on my person at all times. Anyway I will be back some with more helpful tips, how to make and other rants soon. But until then stay Geeky everyone.
Jess xx